6/6/2016 0 Comments A New Cyclewell here we go again, I'm getting ready to release new material. Failure is a great utilitarian teacher. It's not going to be pretty and it hurts but you do learn a lot. Now what have I learned from failure?i've learned that unless you are an established artist no one really cares about your EP or project. It's all about having that one single, that one shining moment in the sun that can eradicate a life of unrewarding hardwork and disappointment. Find those couple moments of sonic life changing redemption. I keep wondering if I've found it in this new cycle of songs, probably not but I will have hope until it is properly crushed. I couldn't tell you how many hours I've spent in front of my computer in that last month and a half but I feel progress every week which makes me really happy. I was in the process of forming a band to play live but in the world of music you'll have lots of weak hearted, fickle sheep trying to hide in the skin of lions. People who claim the title of musician without even coming close to earning it.Lame-ass,safe,scared ,passionless dicknoses who just want to tell their children" ya know your dad was in a band once". Some people just like to play music as a fun thing on the side,which is fine as long as it has nothing to do with my project. Once again the common theme of this blog arises, sacrifice is the backbone of passion. Everybody wants to get on the train when it's going but no one wants to help get it started. I'm bitter if you couldn't tell and maybe that's a bit harsh but i digress.I'll be giving updates on my music soon but I'm going to be very careful with this next cycle of music and ensure things are done right.
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