2/26/2016 2 Comments Square ZeroMan Schematics has done so bad. So many people who are down with my music even friends of mine are all quick to say" good luck with the release" or "praying for you" but yet can't part ways with 5 dollars for a project that took me a year.It's weird how people say things like this but yet really couldn't care less about you or your music. Those who listened to it and didn't like it so they didn't purchase it of course that's fine they at least gave it a chance. It's just kind of a let down when the project isn't even given a chance. That's music though, I am a worm attempting to feed from the already decomposed corpse of the music industry. Schematics is still serving it's purpose it is my Guinea pig my Frankenstein , my test subject. What works what doesn't work. The music blogs run by hipsters with literally zero music credentials somehow have the ultimate power to make you cool or not. If the music bloggers don't like you and you cant be signed by a record label what are you left with? Mercenary promotion companies who can barely remember your name and only care about you as long as you are paying them. I am plagued with logic when it comes to this and I think, if they have already made their money what incentive is there for them to push your music? None, they'll spend your money and maybe like four dudes in Africa will like your status.
Okay so that's off the table now we then fall to self promotion as far as Facebook ads Instagram ads etc. This is a fickle mistress, you could spend like a million dollars before you figure out what the fuck you are doing. The one nice thing is you control your investment you can do as little or as much as you like, which the perfect opportunity for experimentation. Another misleading thing about this path is you may generate a lot of likes or "traffic"but no real action. None of these people will download your music or remember your name 5 mins after whatever status you are promoting, so you can't be fooled by numbers they can be very deceiving. So this is a decent path but it's certainly not life changing but as i stated before I think music has to be a giant machine with many little working parts inside. Now you could go to the dark side of the force and busk but man for me there is just something so distasteful about forcing people to listen to my music but hey if it doesn't bother you then it may actually generate organic traffic. I've already started recording new music, I refuse to release any of it until I've figured out someway to actually give my new music a chance at being heard. I've learned a large lesson about myself recently, I am way too uptight. Some would say its because I'm a straight edge but realistically its because I just care too much. The past week or so I've just stopped caring so much and it's been helping me write and feel better about myself and my situation. It seems so weird and feels so wrong to just simply care less but somethings I just cannot control. I was so upset when i first released Schematics but then i shrugged my shoulders and now I'm just trying a bunch of stuff unattached to the results. I'm still motivated and purpose driven but just a little more numb to things and trying to be less uptight. I'm really excited about this new song I'm writing I cant remember that last time writing felt this good or this easy. With my new found approach to life I can breath easier and think a little more clearly.I think of it like a kite, you can cast it into the air as high as you like but you cant control what the wind does with it, all you can do is hold on to the string.
3/20/2016 05:43:42 am
It's about genuine relationships. Connection. If people connect with you they'll help and support you.
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